Associate Senior Lecturer (WCMM Fellow) in Molecular Medicine with a focus on basic research into regenerative medicine and disease mechanisms
Lund |
31.Dec.2024 |
Associate Senior Lecturer (WCMM Fellow) in Molecular Medicine with a focus on translational research in advanced therapies
Lund |
31.Dec.2024 |
Postdoctoral position in statistics
Lund |
10.Oct.2024 |
Researcher in economic history, 6 month
Lund |
28.Oct.2024 |
Vik. univlektor i bibelvetenskap, särskilt Gamla testamentets exegetik
Lund |
09.Oct.2024 |
Senior Lecturer in Computer Science with focus on AI / Machine Learning and Robotics
Lund |
15.Nov.2024 |
Doktorand i Arbetsmiljöteknik med fokus på ledarskap för systemsäkerhet och resiliens inom kärnkraftsproduktion
Lund |
15.Oct.2024 |
Postdoctoral positions in innovation studies
Lund |
31.Oct.2024 |
Teaching assistants to the Department of Electrical and Information Technology
Lund |
08.Oct.2024 |
Doctoral student in Electrical Engineering with focus on Integrated Analog Circuit Design
Lund |
11.Oct.2024 |
Doctoral student in Computational Fluid Dynamics for Hydrogen Engines
Lund |
09.Oct.2024 |
Utbildningsadministratör vid Institutionen för Energivetenskaper, vikariat
Lund |
25.Oct.2024 |
Teaching assistants (Amanuens) at the division of Engineering Logistics, MTTN75
Lund |
18.Oct.2024 |
Projektassistent vid enheten för experimentell infektionsmedicin
Lund |
15.Oct.2024 |
Doctoral student in Biology with a focus on AI & Microbial Forensics
Lund |
12.Oct.2024 |
Postdoctoral fellow in Molecular plant biology
Lund |
09.Oct.2024 |
Doctoral student in biology
Lund |
22.Oct.2024 |
Post-doctoral fellow in biodiversity assessment for business and finance
Lund |
14.Oct.2024 |
Programmer by INES
Lund |
10.Oct.2024 |
Post-doctoral fellow in assesment of global forest dynamics
Lund |
05.Nov.2024 |
Post-doctoral fellow in atmospheric science with a focus on greenhouse gases
Lund |
25.Oct.2024 |
Universitetslektor i humanekologi
Lund |
22.Oct.2024 |
Postdoctoral researcher in the EnJUSTICE Project
Lund |
13.Oct.2024 |
Minst en biträdande universitetslektor i socialt arbete
Lund |
31.Oct.2024 |
Doctoral student in Sustainable Energy Systems Evaluation
Lund |
14.Oct.2024 |
Projektassistent till LUCSUS
Lund |
07.Oct.2024 |
Protein machine learning
Lund |
07.Oct.2024 |
Projektassistent Matematisk statistik
Lund |
15.Oct.2024 |
Doctoral students in Physics with focus on attosecond physics
Lund |
22.Oct.2024 |
Doctoral student in Physics on experimental quantum technology
Lund |
03.Nov.2024 |
Postdoctoral fellow in Physics within THz-electron spin resonance-ellipsometry
Lund |
11.Oct.2024 |
Post-doctor in environmental law with a focus on marine environmental law
Lund |
13.Oct.2024 |
Projektassistent vid AgriFood Economics Center
Lund |
15.Oct.2024 |
Amanuens till e-arkivering av Blackboard
Lund |
15.Oct.2024 |
Magnet Engineer
Lund |
13.Oct.2024 |
PostDoc Collective Effects
Lund |
20.Oct.2024 |
Expert 10 % inom arbetsterapi och psykisk ohälsa till Hälsovetenskaper
Lund |
07.Oct.2024 |
Postdoctoral position in System Reliability Analysis of Timber Structures
Lund |
21.Oct.2024 |
Doctoral student in Industrial Electrical Engineering with a focus on Electric Propulsion Systems for Jet Engines
Lund |
24.Oct.2024 |
Assistant Professor in applied mathematics with focus on medical image analysis
Lund |
11.Nov.2024 |
Doctoral student in Technology and Society focused on the economic analysis of digital market structure and cyber security
Lund |
01.Nov.2024 |
Doctoral student in Technology and Society with focus on railway technology
Lund |
25.Oct.2024 |
Assistant Professor in traffic safety
Lund |
10.Oct.2024 |
Doktorand i teknik och samhälle med inriktning vägteknik
Lund |
13.Oct.2024 |
Postdoctoral fellow in medical radiation physics
Malmö |
08.Oct.2024 |
Forskningsingenjör inom kardiovaskulär forskning
Malmö |
16.Oct.2024 |
Postdoctoral research fellow in cardiovascular research – hypertension
Malmö |
16.Oct.2024 |
Expert inom obstetrik och gynekologi
Malmö |
15.Oct.2024 |
Researcher in cardiovascular epidemiology
Malmö |
09.Oct.2024 |
Postdoctoral research fellow focused on multimodal analyses of biomarkers in Alzheimer’s disease
Lund |
17.Nov.2024 |
Projektassistent för bioinformatisk scRNA-analys av mikroglia
Lund |
10.Oct.2024 |
Administrativ koordinator vid LTH:s kansli i Helsingborg
Helsingborg |
11.Oct.2024 |
Enhetschef inom programplanering vid LTH:s utbildningsavdelning
Lund |
18.Oct.2024 |
Internationell koordinator
Lund |
15.Oct.2024 |
Lund/Malmö |
13.Oct.2024 |
Översättare, vikariat
Lund |
14.Oct.2024 |
Lund |
16.Oct.2024 |
Lund |
16.Oct.2024 |
Post-doctoral fellow in correlated electron physics using x-ray synchrotron techniques
Lund |
23.Oct.2024 |
Doctoral student in Physics
Lund |
21.Oct.2024 |
Post-doctoral fellow in condensed matter theory with specialization in altermagnetism
Lund |
28.Oct.2024 |
Training and Education Coordinator
Lund |
20.Oct.2024 |
HR Partner till institutionen för kliniska vetenskaper Lund
Lund |
09.Oct.2024 |
PhD student in Systemic Radiation Therapy
Lund |
28.Oct.2024 |
Amanuens i grundutbildning, inom ämnesområdet strålterapi
Lund |
11.Oct.2024 |
Associate researcher in bioinformatics with focus on urological cancers
Lund |
07.Oct.2024 |
Laboratorieassistent vid avdelningen för Klinisk Fysiologi
Lund |
16.Oct.2024 |
PhD student in Diagnostic Radiology
Lund |
21.Oct.2024 |
Klinisk Amanuens i grundutbildning, inom ämnesområdet Diagnostisk Radiologi
Lund |
11.Oct.2024 |
PhD student in Mass Spectrometry
Lund |
21.Oct.2024 |
Amanuens i grundutbildning, inom ämnesområdet psykiatri
Lund |
11.Oct.2024 |
Amanuens i grundutbildning, inom ämnesområdet psykiatri
Lund |
11.Oct.2024 |
Amanuens i grundutbildning, inom ämnesområdet obduktion
Lund |
09.Oct.2024 |
Försteamanuens i grundutbildning, inom ämnesområdet obduktion
Lund |
09.Oct.2024 |
Forskningsingenjör i Hjärnans sensorimotoriska funktioner
Lund |
16.Oct.2024 |
Floor Coordinator
Lund |
20.Oct.2024 |
Coordinator at SciLifeLab Lund
Lund |
08.Oct.2024 |
Doktorand i arkitektur med fokus på lokal styrning av energisystem
Lund |
15.Oct.2024 |
Project assistant at the Department of Process and Life Science Engineering
Lund |
14.Oct.2024 |
Professor in Aeronautical Sciences
Lund |
15.Nov.2024 |