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Associate Senior Lecturer (WCMM Fellow) in Molecular Medicine with a focus on basic research into regenerative medicine and disease mechanisms Lund 31.Dec.2024
Associate Senior Lecturer (WCMM Fellow) in Molecular Medicine with a focus on translational research in advanced therapies Lund 31.Dec.2024
Postdoctoral position in statistics Lund 10.Oct.2024
Researcher in economic history, 6 month Lund 28.Oct.2024
Vik. univlektor i bibelvetenskap, särskilt Gamla testamentets exegetik Lund 09.Oct.2024
Senior Lecturer in Computer Science with focus on AI / Machine Learning and Robotics Lund 15.Nov.2024
Doktorand i Arbetsmiljöteknik med fokus på ledarskap för systemsäkerhet och resiliens inom kärnkraftsproduktion Lund 15.Oct.2024
Postdoctoral positions in innovation studies Lund 31.Oct.2024
Teaching assistants to the Department of Electrical and Information Technology Lund 08.Oct.2024
Doctoral student in Electrical Engineering with focus on Integrated Analog Circuit Design Lund 11.Oct.2024
Doctoral student in Computational Fluid Dynamics for Hydrogen Engines Lund 09.Oct.2024
Utbildningsadministratör vid Institutionen för Energivetenskaper, vikariat Lund 25.Oct.2024
Teaching assistants (Amanuens) at the division of Engineering Logistics, MTTN75 Lund 18.Oct.2024
Projektassistent vid enheten för experimentell infektionsmedicin Lund 15.Oct.2024
Doctoral student in Biology with a focus on AI & Microbial Forensics Lund 12.Oct.2024
Postdoctoral fellow in Molecular plant biology Lund 09.Oct.2024
Doctoral student in biology Lund 22.Oct.2024
Post-doctoral fellow in biodiversity assessment for business and finance Lund 14.Oct.2024
Programmer by INES Lund 10.Oct.2024
Post-doctoral fellow in assesment of global forest dynamics Lund 05.Nov.2024
Post-doctoral fellow in atmospheric science with a focus on greenhouse gases Lund 25.Oct.2024
Universitetslektor i humanekologi Lund 22.Oct.2024
Postdoctoral researcher in the EnJUSTICE Project Lund 13.Oct.2024
Minst en biträdande universitetslektor i socialt arbete Lund 31.Oct.2024
Doctoral student in Sustainable Energy Systems Evaluation Lund 14.Oct.2024
Projektassistent till LUCSUS Lund 07.Oct.2024
Protein machine learning Lund 07.Oct.2024
Projektassistent Matematisk statistik Lund 15.Oct.2024
Doctoral students in Physics with focus on attosecond physics Lund 22.Oct.2024
Doctoral student in Physics on experimental quantum technology Lund 03.Nov.2024
Postdoctoral fellow in Physics within THz-electron spin resonance-ellipsometry Lund 11.Oct.2024
Post-doctor in environmental law with a focus on marine environmental law Lund 13.Oct.2024
Projektassistent vid AgriFood Economics Center Lund 15.Oct.2024
Amanuens till e-arkivering av Blackboard Lund 15.Oct.2024
Magnet Engineer Lund 13.Oct.2024
PostDoc Collective Effects Lund 20.Oct.2024
Expert 10 % inom arbetsterapi och psykisk ohälsa till Hälsovetenskaper Lund 07.Oct.2024
Postdoctoral position in System Reliability Analysis of Timber Structures Lund 21.Oct.2024
Doctoral student in Industrial Electrical Engineering with a focus on Electric Propulsion Systems for Jet Engines Lund 24.Oct.2024
Assistant Professor in applied mathematics with focus on medical image analysis Lund 11.Nov.2024
Doctoral student in Technology and Society focused on the economic analysis of digital market structure and cyber security Lund 01.Nov.2024
Doctoral student in Technology and Society with focus on railway technology Lund 25.Oct.2024
Assistant Professor in traffic safety Lund 10.Oct.2024
Doktorand i teknik och samhälle med inriktning vägteknik Lund 13.Oct.2024
Postdoctoral fellow in medical radiation physics Malmö 08.Oct.2024
Forskningsingenjör inom kardiovaskulär forskning Malmö 16.Oct.2024
Postdoctoral research fellow in cardiovascular research – hypertension Malmö 16.Oct.2024
Expert inom obstetrik och gynekologi Malmö 15.Oct.2024
Researcher in cardiovascular epidemiology Malmö 09.Oct.2024
Postdoctoral research fellow focused on multimodal analyses of biomarkers in Alzheimer’s disease Lund 17.Nov.2024
Projektassistent för bioinformatisk scRNA-analys av mikroglia Lund 10.Oct.2024
Administrativ koordinator vid LTH:s kansli i Helsingborg Helsingborg 11.Oct.2024
Enhetschef inom programplanering vid LTH:s utbildningsavdelning Lund 18.Oct.2024
Internationell koordinator Lund 15.Oct.2024
Internrevisor Lund/Malmö 13.Oct.2024
Översättare, vikariat Lund 14.Oct.2024
Systemadministratör Lund 16.Oct.2024
Supporttekniker Lund 16.Oct.2024
Post-doctoral fellow in correlated electron physics using x-ray synchrotron techniques Lund 23.Oct.2024
Doctoral student in Physics Lund 21.Oct.2024
Post-doctoral fellow in condensed matter theory with specialization in altermagnetism Lund 28.Oct.2024
Training and Education Coordinator Lund 20.Oct.2024
HR Partner till institutionen för kliniska vetenskaper Lund Lund 09.Oct.2024
PhD student in Systemic Radiation Therapy Lund 28.Oct.2024
Amanuens i grundutbildning, inom ämnesområdet strålterapi Lund 11.Oct.2024
Associate researcher in bioinformatics with focus on urological cancers Lund 07.Oct.2024
Laboratorieassistent vid avdelningen för Klinisk Fysiologi Lund 16.Oct.2024
PhD student in Diagnostic Radiology Lund 21.Oct.2024
Klinisk Amanuens i grundutbildning, inom ämnesområdet Diagnostisk Radiologi Lund 11.Oct.2024
PhD student in Mass Spectrometry Lund 21.Oct.2024
Amanuens i grundutbildning, inom ämnesområdet psykiatri Lund 11.Oct.2024
Amanuens i grundutbildning, inom ämnesområdet psykiatri Lund 11.Oct.2024
Amanuens i grundutbildning, inom ämnesområdet obduktion Lund 09.Oct.2024
Försteamanuens i grundutbildning, inom ämnesområdet obduktion Lund 09.Oct.2024
Forskningsingenjör i Hjärnans sensorimotoriska funktioner Lund 16.Oct.2024
Floor Coordinator Lund 20.Oct.2024
Coordinator at SciLifeLab Lund Lund 08.Oct.2024
Doktorand i arkitektur med fokus på lokal styrning av energisystem Lund 15.Oct.2024
Project assistant at the Department of Process and Life Science Engineering Lund 14.Oct.2024
Professor in Aeronautical Sciences Lund 15.Nov.2024
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