Lund University, Faculty of Medicine, Department of Health Sciences

Lund University was founded in 1666 and is repeatedly ranked among the world’s top universities. The University has around 47 000 students and more than 8 800 staff based in Lund, Helsingborg and Malmö. We are united in our efforts to understand, explain and improve our world and the human condition.

Lund University welcomes applicants with diverse backgrounds and experiences. We regard gender equality and diversity as a strength and an asset.

Description of the workplace

The Research group Sport Sciences is located at the Department of Health Sciences, Faculty of Medicine, and is led by Professor Eva Ageberg. We conduct interdisciplinary research with focus on prevention and treatment of injury or disease in the musculoskeletal system at different ages. The research is conducted in close collaboration with those who use preventive or therapeutic interventions. Read more about us here.

At the Department of Health Sciences, we strive for a good work environment and a workplace that is perceived as developing and stimulating for all employees.

We are now looking for a doctoral student in medical science with a focus on health sciences/sport sciences.

What we offer

Lund University is a public authority which means that you receive specific benefits. Read more on the University website here.

Duties and responsibilities

The education at postgraduate level is intended to lead to a doctoral degree in medical science, specializing in sport sciences. The planned studies will partly be carried out within the “Implementing injury Prevention training ROutines in TEams and Clubs in youth Team handball (I-PROTECT)” project (Read more here). The studies within the doctoral project will generate new knowledge about the efficacy of exercise interventions on outcomes related to prevention of concussion, relevant for youth athletes, such as handball players. Different study designs will be used in the project.

With the support of the supervisors, the doctoral student will participate in planning of studies within the project, collect and analyze data, and report the results in scientific articles in English. The doctoral student will then summarize the doctoral project in English and present it in a doctoral dissertation. The doctoral student must complete the required courses at doctoral level, actively participate in seminars and other relevant activities and become acquainted with literature relevant to the research area. Furthermore, active participation is included in the transfer of knowledge to various target groups within and outside the research community. Travel both domestically and internationally is included. Research stays at another university may also be relevant.

The doctoral student is expected to participate in activities and assignments within the research group where the current research project is based, as well as those at the Department of Health Sciences. Participation as a student representative in preparatory and decision-making bodies, both within the research environment and the department as well as within the faculty and the university in general, will be encouraged. Other tasks may also occur, for example teaching.


The requirements for the position are:

  • Master’s degree in medical/health science, or equivalent
  • Knowledge and experience of research in sport/exercise/movement science, kinesiology, physical therapy, and/or health sciences
  • Very good computer literacy, including documented experience of working with statistical programs (for example R, SPSS)
  • Very good knowledge in spoken/written English

The following are considered merits for the position:

  • Experience or skill for research within the field of the doctoral project
  • Good knowledge in spoken/written Swedish, other Scandinavian language or stated ambition and strategy for learning Swedish

Strong emphasis will be placed on the candidate’s personal qualities. The tasks require you to be flexible, responsible, and able to work both independently and with others.

Further information

Employment is a full-time, fixed-term position of 4 years, in accordance with the Higher Education Ordinance (HF), Ch. 5 Sec 7. Starting date September 1, 2023, or according to agreement.

According to Ch. 5 Sec 2 HF, those who are employed as doctoral students shall primarily devote themselves to their own education. However, an employee may to a limited extent work with education, research and administration.


Students with basic eligibility for third-cycle studies are those who have completed a second-cycle degree, have completed courses of at least 240 credits, of which at least 60 credits are from second-cycle courses, or have acquired largely equivalent knowledge in some other way, in Sweden or abroad.

Read more about "Admission to our PhD programme"

Basis of assessment

The employment of doctoral students is regulated in the Swedish Code of Statues 1998: 80. Only those who are or have been admitted to PhD-studies may be appointed to doctoral studentships. In addition to devoting themselves to their studies, those appointed to doctoral studentships may be required to work with educational tasks, research and administration, in accordance with specific regulations in the ordinance.

Type of employment

Limit of tenure, four years according to HF 5 kap 7§.

How to apply

The application should include a cover letter, a CV, contact details of two references, a diploma (including grades) and any other documents you wish to be considered (e.g., letters of recommendation). Applicants invited to an interview may be asked to complete a work sample.

Type of employment Temporary position
First day of employment 1 september or as agreed
Salary Monthly salary
Number of positions 1
Full-time equivalent 100
City Lund
County Skåne län
Country Sweden
Reference number PA2023/2000
  • Eva Ageberg, professor, +46462224943
  • Anna Cronström, postdoktor,
  • Brenda Tai, HR-admin, +46462223712
Union representative
  • OFR/ST:Fackförbundet ST:s kansli, 046-2229362
  • SACO:Saco-s-rådet vid Lunds universitet,
  • SEKO: Seko Civil, 046-2229366
Published 12.Jun.2023
Last application date 03.Jul.2023 11:59 PM CEST

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