Lund University, Faculty of Engineering, LTH, Department of Energy Sciences

Lund University was founded in 1666 and is repeatedly ranked among the world’s top universities. The University has around 47 000 students and more than 8 800 staff based in Lund, Helsingborg and Malmö. We are united in our efforts to understand, explain and improve our world and the human condition.

Lund University welcomes applicants with diverse backgrounds and experiences. We regard gender equality and diversity as a strength and an asset.

Description of the workplace

The position is a collaboration between the Division of Sustainable Energy Systems and Division of Heat Transfer, both located at the Department of Energy Sciences. At the division of Sustainable Energy Systems we conduct research and education about development of efficient and environmentally friendly energy systems with a specific focus of grid bound energy systems like electricity, district heating and gas systems as well as the markets surrounding these systems. About 20 colleagues work at the division, where two thirds are PhD students. At the division of Heat Transfer, we conduct research and education on the energy generation, conversion, and utilization in different thermo-mechanical systems where the study of heat transfer, fluid mechanics as well as structural dynamics plays a central role. Approximately 30 colleagues work at the division, including 20 PhD students. On the international level we collaborate with universities and institutes in Europe, Asia, and North America.

Subject description

COMPEL, "COMPetence for the ELectrification of the transport system", is a strategic initiative by the Swedish government, aimed at strengthening research and educational environments within battery technology and electrification. Within COMPEL, the three institutions - Chalmers University of Technology, Lund University, and Uppsala University – in consultation with Swedish industry, deepen their collaboration with the aim of strengthening Sweden's position in battery technology contributing to the electrification of the transport sector, and related areas. The three institutions aim to enhance research and education in the battery sector to ensure strong research in battery technology supporting that electrification of the transport sector is maintained and further developed in Sweden. Research within COMPEL spans the entire battery value chain: materials research, research on new cell concepts and cell manufacturing, battery systems and system integration, recycling, and safety.

At Lund University with the Faculty of Engineering (LTH), COMPEL is a strategic initiative aimed at enhancing research environments in battery technology and electrification, in a manner that complements relevant research at other institutions and builds on our strengths. COMPEL at Lund University initially includes researchers from ten departments, and three areas of research have been identified for strategic development: materials research, integration of batteries with power electronics, and safe energy storage. On the educational side, the number of students in several of the Master programs is being increased, and the course offerings related to battery technology and electrification are being strengthened.

Project description

Batteries can be integrated at different levels of the electricity grid, such as generation, transmission, distribution, or end-use. Depending on the level and location of integration, batteries can have different impacts and benefits for the electricity system and the stakeholders involved. For example, batteries at the generation level can help renewable energy producers to increase their revenues and reduce their curtailment, while batteries at the end-use level can help consumers (as well as prosumers) to reduce their electricity bills and increase their resilience.

Some of the uses for integrating batteries in electricity grids include:

  • Balancing grid supply and demand
  • Peak shaving and price arbitrage opportunities
  • Storing and smoothing renewable generation
  • Deferring large infrastructure investments:
  • Reducing end-use consumer demand charges
  • Back-up power

Work duties

The main duties of doctoral students are to devote themselves to their research studies which includes participating in research projects and third cycle courses. The work duties will also include teaching and other departmental duties (no more than 20%).

The reserach may include:

  • Techno-economic, environmental, and social analysis of the benefits of integration of batteries on different levels in the electricity system (for example possible applications to support services to maintain frequency in the electricity grids)
  • Potential studies of user flexibility enabled by the use of batteries.
  • Specific case studies with local actors involving the use of batteries.
  • Possibilities of second life of batteries

The PhD student will be involved as a teaching assistant in two courses about energy systems and/or energy markets and/or batteries.

Admission requiremens

A person meets the general admission requirements for third-cycle courses and study programmes if the applicant:

  • has been awarded a second-cycle qualification, or
  • has satisfied the requirements for courses comprising at least 240 credits of which at least 60 credits were awarded in the second cycle, or
  • has acquired substantially equivalent knowledge in some other way in Sweden or abroad.

A person meets the specific admission requirements for third cycle studies in Energy Sciences if the applicant has:

  • at least 90 credits in the subject of the third cycle programme, of which at least 60 credits are from second-cycle courses of relevance to the subject and 30 credits from a second-cycle degree project of relevance to the subject
  • a Master's degree of relevance to the field

Additional requirements:

  • Very good oral and written proficiency in English.
  • Good oral and written proficiency in a Scandinavian language due to the fact that the work involves integration with local cooperation partners.

Assessment criteria

Selection for third-cycle studies is based on the student’s potential to profit from such studies. The assessment of potential is made primarily on the basis of academic results from the first and second cycle. Special attention is paid to the following:

  1. Knowledge and skills relevant to the thesis project and the subject of study.
  2. An assessment of ability to work independently and to formulate and tackle research problems.
  3. Written and oral communication skills.
  4. Other experience relevant to the third-cycle studies, e.g. professional experience.

Other assessment criteria:

  • Knowledge of the nordic energy markets Experience with technoeconomical calculations
  • Ability to communicate with researchers in other research fields.

Consideration will also be given to good collaborative skills, drive and independence, and how the applicant, through experience and skills, is deemed to have the abilities necessary for successfully completing the third cycle programme.

We offer

Lund University is a public authority which means that employees get particular benefits, generous annual leave and an advantageous occupational pension scheme. Read more on the University website about being a Lund University employee Work at Lund University.

Terms of employment

Only those admitted to third cycle studies may be appointed to a doctoral studentship. Third cycle studies at LTH consist of full-time studies for 4 years. A doctoral studentship is a fixed-term employment of a maximum of 5 years (including 20% departmental duties). Doctoral studentships are regulated in the Higher Education Ordinance (1993:100), chapter 5, 1-7 §§.

How to apply

Applications shall be written in English and include a cover letter stating the reasons why you are interested in the position and in what way the research project corresponds to your interests and educational background. The application must also contain a CV, degree certificate or equivalent, and other documents you wish to be considered (grade transcripts, contact information for your references, letters of recommendation, etc.).

Welcome to apply!

Type of employment Temporary position
First day of employment A soon as possible, according to agreement
Salary Monthly salary
Number of positions 1
Full-time equivalent 100%
City Lund
County Skåne län
Country Sweden
Reference number PA2024/1856
  • Kerstin Sernhed, Universitetslektor, +46462224043
  • Martin Andersson, Professor, +46462224908
Union representative
  • OFR/ST:Fackförbundet ST:s kansli, 046-2229362
  • SACO:Saco-s-rådet vid Lunds universitet,
  • SEKO: Seko Civil, 046-2229366
Published 29.May.2024
Last application date 04.Aug.2024 11:59 PM CEST

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