Lund University, 009999 Lund University, 100000 LTH

Lund University was founded in 1666 and is repeatedly ranked among the world’s top universities. The University has around 47 000 students and more than 8 800 staff based in Lund, Helsingborg and Malmö. We are united in our efforts to understand, explain and improve our world and the human condition.

Lund University welcomes applicants with diverse backgrounds and experiences. We regard gender equality and diversity as a strength and an asset.

Description of the workplace

The position is with Assoc.Prof. Elin A. Topp in the group for AI and Human-Robot Interaction of the division of Robotics and Semantic Systems (RSS) within the Department of Computer Science of Lund University’s Faculty of Engineering. The position is funded through a WASP and Aalto University Collaborative Postdoctoral Fellow Project. In this project, AI methods will be combined with suitable user interface techniques including virtual or augmented reality to support situational awareness in shared autonomy, mainly targeting autonomous vehicles.  

More about the division of Robotics and Semantic Systems (RSS)
More about WASP

Work duties

The main duty coming with a researcher position is to conduct research, but also supervision (as co-supervisor) of PhD students, project assistants and degree projects can be included.  Given the collaborative nature of the project, you will be travelling to some extent, to allow for coordination meetings, but possibly also for extended visits with our project partners at Aalto University.

Description of the work duties:

  • Research and development of software within the project AISA (AI-powered situational awareness for man-machine interaction in shared autonomy)
  • Supervision of MSc projects if the topic is close to the research the AISA project
  • Co-supervision of / collaboration with PhD students who work in re lated projects


Appointment to a position as a researcher requires that the applicant has a PhD.

Required qualifications:

  • a PhD or equivalent research qualification within the subject of the position
  • at least two years of experience as a postdoctoral researcher within areas and projects related to the AISA project
  • very good oral and written proficiency in English
  • documented (e.g. through scientific publications) experience of work with simulation- and visualization software like Unity and CARLA
  • documented experience of work with ROS and / or ROS2
  • documented experience with the evaluation of software tools in smaller user studies and experiments

Additional merits:

  • earlier  (documented) experience with simulation- and visualization systems for handling of conflict situations in traffic (during autonomous driving) and so called take-over-requests within the project AISA
  • documented experience with projects similar to AISA, as for example RoboBoatAssist
  • publications / engagement in conferences like IEEE IV and ACM/IEEE HRI

We offer

Lund University is a public authority which means that employees get particular benefits, generous annual leave and an advantageous occupational pension scheme. It is advisable to enter information on what your unit specifically can offer as a workplace. Read more on the University website about being a Lund University employee Work at Lund University

Further information

The position is a fixed term position from April 11th, 2025 through February 28th, 2026 at 15 per cent of full time. 

How to apply

Applications are to be submitted via the University’s recruitment system. The application should include a CV and a personal letter justifying your interest in the position and how it matches your qualifications. The application should also include a degree certificate or equivalent and any other document to which you would like to draw attention (copies of grade transcripts, details of referees, letters of recommendation, etc.)”  

Welcome to apply!

Type of employment Temporary position
Contract type Part-time
First day of employment 2025-04-11 or according to agreement
Salary Monthly salary
Number of positions 1
Full-time equivalent 15
City Lund
County Skåne län
Country Sweden
Reference number PA2025/836
  • Elin A. Topp, +46462224249,
Union representative
  • OFR/ST:Fackförbundet ST:s kansli, 046-2229362,
  • SACO:Saco-s-rådet vid Lunds universitet,,
  • SEKO: Seko Civil, 046-2229366,
Published 24.Mar.2025
Last application date 07.Apr.2025 11:59 PM CEST
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