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Lunds universitet grundades 1666 och rankas återkommande som ett av världens främsta lärosäten. Här finns omkring 47 000 studenter och mer än 8 800 medarbetare i Lund, Helsingborg och Malmö. Vi förenas i vår strävan att förstå, förklara och förbättra vår värld och människors villkor.
Lunds universitet välkomnar sökande med olika bakgrund och erfarenheter. Jämställdhet, lika villkor och mångfald är grundläggande principer för alla delar av vår verksamhet.
We are looking for a postdoc to work as a part of the APXPS group comprised of HIPPIE and SPECIES (APXPS branch) beamlines during two years’ time. Both HIPPIE (on 3 GeV ring of MAX IV) and SPECIES (on 1,5 GeV ring of MAX IV) beamlines are dedicated to ambient pressure x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (APXPS).
The HIPPIE beamline is operational since early 2018 whereas SPECIES beamline begins its operation in the Fall of 2019. To our users we offer different sample environments (to different extent at different beamlines) for the study of e.g. catalysis, electrochemistry, thin film growth, sulphur chemistry, and liquid jets.
Likewise, we offer our users the possibility of simultaneous APXPS, PM-IRRAS (only at HIPPIE) and mass spectroscopy investigations. In addition to user operation we continue to commission the beamline and end station.
This position is dedicated to HIPPIE.
The work tasks of the postdoc to HIPPIE include, but are not limited to, the following:
The scientific project of the researcher can also make use of other beamlines at MAX IV or at other synchrotron radiation facilities. The general surface science environment of MAX IV (which includes a scanning tunneling microscopy laboratory) can also be employed.
The ability work in a team, good communication skills and good command of the English language are mandatory.
Important information: This is a post-doctoral position for two years. Appointment to a post-doctoral position requires that the doctoral degree or equivalent is completed no more than three years before the last date for applications. Under special circumstances, the doctoral degree can have been completed earlier.
Anställningsform | Tidsbegränsad anställning |
Anställningens omfattning | Heltid |
Tillträde | Enligt överenskommelse. |
Löneform | Månadslön |
Antal lediga befattningar | 1 |
Sysselsättningsgrad | 100 |
Ort | Lund |
Län | Skåne län |
Land | Sverige |
Referensnummer | PA2019/3579 |
Kontakt |
Facklig företrädare |
Publicerat | 2019-10-30 |
Sista ansökningsdag | 2019-11-28 |