Lund University, LTH,

Lund University was founded in 1666 and is repeatedly ranked among the world’s top universities. The University has around 47 000 students and more than 8 800 staff based in Lund, Helsingborg and Malmö. We are united in our efforts to understand, explain and improve our world and the human condition.

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The Department of Chemistry at Lund University, Faculty of Engineering, invites applications for a position as an Assistant Professor in Electrochemistry with a focus on battery materials.

Description of the workplace
Lund University has since 2022 a close collaboration with a number of other top Swedish universities in battery research within the platform COMPEL (COMPetitiveness for the ELectrification of the transport system). Within the platform, the universities collaborate on research, research infrastructure and education to offer competence and world-leading research in battery technology and power electronics.

Lund University is now opening a position as Assistant Professor in Electrochemistry with focus on battery materials, associated with the COMPEL platform. This position involves research and teaching within the subject area of Electrochemistry, with a focus on battery materials, i.e., inorganic and/or polymeric materials employed as electrodes and electrolytes. The position will be placed at the Department of Chemistry at Lund University. The recruited Assistant Professor will receive funding for one PhD student and one postdoctoral fellow, as well as funds for equipment.

Lund University is currently expanding and strengthening the material science research to develop one of Europe’s future top materials science centres. Our profile covers a broad range of materials science research, including strong links to our new world-class infrastructures, the Max IV synchrotron and European Spallation Source (ESS). It is in this context that the Department of Chemistry is seeking an Assistant Professor to expand our materials research into new long-term research directions.

The Department of Chemistry conducts research in all core areas of chemistry with a broad theme of research for a sustainable society. Potential synergies between the current position and key research areas within the department include synthesis and characterisation of organic, inorganic and polymer molecules and materials for catalysis, photovoltaics, energy storage and conversion applications, among other areas. Of particular relevance is material design and synthesis, as well as understanding of the interplay between material structure and properties, chemical and physical processes, and application performance. Advanced characterization of material properties by, e.g., electron microscopy and X-ray spectroscopy (in particular at the synchrotron MAX IV) is also a focal area of the Department.

COMPEL, "COMPetence for the ELectrification of the transport system", is a strategic initiative by the Swedish government, aimed at strengthening research and educational environments within battery technology and electrification. Within COMPEL, the three institutions - Chalmers University of Technology, Lund University, and Uppsala University – in consultation with Swedish industry, deepen their collaboration with the aim of strengthening Sweden's position in battery technology contributing to the electrification of the transport sector, and related areas. The three institutions aim to enhance research and education in the battery sector to ensure strong research in battery technology supporting that electrification of the transport sector is maintained and further developed in Sweden. Research within COMPEL spans the entire battery value chain: materials research, research on new cell concepts and cell manufacturing, battery systems and system integration, recycling, and safety.

At Lund University with the Faculty of Engineering (LTH), COMPEL is a strategic initiative aimed at enhancing research environments in battery technology and electrification, in a manner that complements relevant research at other institutions and builds on our strengths. COMPEL at Lund University initially includes researchers from ten departments, and three areas of research have been identified for strategic development: materials research, integration of batteries with power electronics, and safe energy storage. On the educational side, the number of students in several of the Master programs is being increased, and the course offerings related to battery technology and electrification are being strengthened.

Electrochemistry with a focus on battery materials

Subject description
Electrochemistry deals with the study of chemical processes that involve the movements of electrons. It explores the relationship between electricity and chemical reactions, particularly focusing on how electrical energy can be used to induce or drive chemical changes, and conversely, how chemical reactions can generate electricity. Electrochemical phenomena are pervasive in various fields, from batteries and fuel cells powering our devices and vehicles to corrosion processes and production of chemical products and metals in electrolytic processes. Electrochemistry thus plays a vital role in environmental science, materials science, and energy conversion technologies, making it a fundamental area of study with diverse applications. The focus on battery materials involves material formulation (synthesis) and electrochemistry of battery components and cells. Particular importance is placed on measuring and interpreting fundamental and complex electrochemical phenomena and processes taking place in or between new or novel materials in battery cells, from a molecular, chemical-physical perspective. The relevant materials are solid-state inorganic and/or polymeric materials employed as electrodes and electrolytes. Electrochemistry of other types of green energy applications, such as fuel cells or electrolysers, can also be included.

Work duties
Employment as an assistant professor is a tenure track position, which aims for the holder to develop their independence as a researcher and educator. The work duties mainly involve research and teaching. The position includes the opportunity to undertake five weeks of training in teaching and learning in higher education.

Work duties include:

  • Research within the subject area.
  • Teaching in the first, second and third cycles of studies.
  • Supervision of degree projects and doctoral students.
  • Actively seeking external research funding.
  • Collaboration with industry and wider society.
  • Supporting the COMPEL platform for collaboration within research and teaching.
  • Administration related to the work duties listed above.

Qualification requirements
Qualification requirements for employment as an assistant professor are fulfilled by someone who has been awarded a doctorate or has the corresponding research competence.

Primary consideration should be given to someone who has been awarded a doctorate or achieved the equivalent competence within five years of the deadline for application for employment as an assistant professor. However, someone who has been awarded a doctorate or achieved the equivalent expertise at an earlier date may also be considered if there are special grounds. Special grounds are sick leave, parental leave or other similar circumstances.

Assessment criteria
For appointment to assistant professor, the following shall form the assessment criteria:

  • A good ability to develop and carry out high quality research.
  • Teaching ability.

Additional requirements

  • Very good oral and written proficiency in English.
  • Experience of postdoctoral research in a research environment other than the university at which the applicant obtained his/her PhD degree.
  • Extensive experience of fundamental electrochemical measurements and interpretation.
  • Scientific expertise demonstrated through scientific publications in the research area of electrochemistry.
  • An independent research plan that can form the basis for successful funding applications. The plan should also explain how the applicant’s research might complement and strengthen ongoing research at the department. The quality of the research plan will be given significant weight during the selection of candidates. The relevance of the research plan for the specific research area, as well as for the broader aims of materials for sustainable energy will be a criterion during the assessment.
  • Collaborative skills, initiative and the ability to solve work tasks independently, as well as a demonstrated interest in leadership.

Other qualifications

  • Experience with formulation (synthesis) and fundamental electrochemical characterizations of novel battery materials and cells.
  • Documented ability to acquire external funding.

The extent to which the applicant, through their experience and skills, may complement and strengthen ongoing research, undergraduate education, departmental innovation, and how they can contribute to the future development of the department will also be taken into consideration.

Terms of employment
This is a full-time, fixed-term employment of 6 years. The employment is regulated in accordance with Chapter 4 Section 12a§ HEA. The purpose of the appointment is for the teacher to be given the opportunity to develop research autonomy and acquire the scholarly and teaching qualifications required for eligibility for appointment as a senior lecturer.

We offer 
Lund University is a public authority which means that employees get particular benefits, generous annual leave and an advantageous occupational pension scheme.  Read more on the University website about being a Lund University employee:

Instructions on how to apply
Applications shall be written in English. Please draw up the application in accordance with LTH’s Academic qualifications portfolio – see link below. Upload the application as PDF-files in the recruitment system. Read more:


Promotion to Senior Lecturer in Electrochemistry with a focus on Battery Materials
During the period of employment, an assistant professor can apply for promotion to a permanent position as Senior Lecturer if he or she has the required qualifications listed below, and is deemed suitable. An assistant professor can only apply for promotion once.

Qualification requirements
Appointment to senior lecturer requires that the applicant has:

  • A PhD or corresponding research competence or professional expertise considered important with regard to the subject matter of the post and the work duties it will involve.
  • Demonstrated teaching expertise.
  • Completed five weeks of training in higher education teaching and learning, or acquired equivalent knowledge by other means.

Assessment criteria
The assessment criteria specify the aspects to be considered, and the level to be achieved, for the assessment criteria to be deemed fulfilled. The following assessment criteria must be fulfilled for appointment to senior lecturer:

  • A good national and international standing as a researcher. The requirement for international experience shall be assessed with consideration to the character and traditions of the subject.
  • Good teaching ability, including a good ability to conduct, develop and lead teaching and other educational activities on different levels and using a variety of teaching methods.
  • An ability to supervise doctoral students to achieve a PhD.
  • An ability to collaborate with wider society and communicate his or her activities.
  • A general ability to lead and develop activities.

Additional requirements

  • Good ability to collaborate, independence and drive.
  • The candidate has developed a clear research profile and has produced several peer-reviewed publications in renowned journals without his/her previous supervisors or mentors, and where the applicant has clearly had a leading (PI) role.
  • The candidate has as main applicant received multi-year research grants that are sufficient to support an independent research programme.
  • The candidate has demonstrated international standing as a researcher within the research area and interacts regularly with other researchers within the area.
  • The applicant has sufficient knowledge of Swedish to carry out administrative and educational tasks that require an understanding of Swedish.
Type of employment Temporary position
Contract type Full time
First day of employment As soon as possible
Salary Monthly
Number of positions 1
Full-time equivalent 100 %
City Lund
County Skåne län
Country Sweden
Reference number PA2024/942
Union representative
  • SACO:Saco-s-rådet vid Lunds universitet, 046-2229364,
  • OFR/ST:Fackförbundet ST:s kansli, 046-2229362,
Published 25.Mar.2024
Last application date 28.May.2024 11:59 PM CEST

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