Lund University, Faculty of Science, Department of Physics

Lund University was founded in 1666 and is repeatedly ranked among the world’s top universities. The University has around 47 000 students and more than 8 800 staff based in Lund, Helsingborg and Malmö. We are united in our efforts to understand, explain and improve our world and the human condition.

Lund University welcomes applicants with diverse backgrounds and experiences. We regard gender equality and diversity as a strength and an asset.

The Division of Particle and Nuclear Physics at the Department of Physics is home to a world-renowned theory group in phenomenology. The group works on various aspects of quantum chromodynamics and collider phenomenology, with emphasis on the development and applications of event generators, hadron and flavour physics, mainly using chiral perturbation theory, and on phenomenology of physics beyond the Standard Model, in particular Higgs physics and unified gauge theories.

Job description
The position of the senior lecturer will mainly entail teaching (minimum 25%) and research (minimum 40%). Some administrative tasks will also be assigned to the senior lecturer. In the longer term, the successful candidate will also be expected to take on leadership duties. The main tasks of the senior lecturer will be:

  • Contribute to research with a focus on simulations of particle collisions.
  • Pursue an active research programme focusing on theoretical calculations of collision probabilities for multi-particle final states, with a particular focus on the handling of spin and colour structures.
  • Further develop own research interests, preferably with links to other specialisations.
  • Supervise PhD students in theoretical particle physics.
  • Supervise bachelor and master theses.
  • Teaching undergraduate and graduate physics students, especially courses in theoretical physics. 
  • Co-operating with society at large, e.g. through outreach activities. 

We expect the new teacher to take on a leading role in the undergraduate programme. The work assignments of the position, as well as the relative proportions of research and teaching, may change over time. The candidate is expected to develop active research within the area and related areas, which also includes active work in applying for external funding and developing collaborations with university units and other governmental authorities and organisations involved in this type of research.

Those qualified for appointment as a Senior Lecturer have demonstrated teaching expertise and have been awarded a PhD or have the corresponding research competence or some other professional expertise that is of value in view of the subject matter of the post and the duties that it will involve (according to the Higher Education Ordinance chapter 4, section 4).

For this position the qualified applicants must have a doctorate in theoretical physics with a specialization in theoretical particle physics or equivalent subject, international postdoctoral experience, as well as an associate professor qualification or equivalent in theoretical physics.

It is a requirement to have completed at least five weeks of training in higher education teaching and learning or acquired equivalent knowledge by other means. In certain cases, exceptions can be made to this requirement.

For academic staff at Lund University, the general qualification requirements are to be suited to and have the general ability required to complete the duties of the post well.

Basis of assessment
Applicants will be assessed primarily based on documented pedagogical and scientific excellence and relevance to the call. Applicants must present their current research and a research plan for the coming years.

During the assessment, it is a requirement that the applicant:

  • Has extensive teaching experience at university level concerning undergraduate, postgraduate, and doctoral student level.
  • Has demonstrated good pedagogical skills and has experience in course development.
  • Has substantial experience in supervising and coordinating degree projects at bachelor and master level.
  • Has experience of and demonstrated good ability to supervise doctoral students and postdoctoral fellows.
  • Has documented skills in independently initiating and leading research projects in theoretical particle physics.
  • Has documented experience in developing methods to efficiently treat both colour and spin structures in automated calculations of perturbative scattering amplitudes for event generator codes.
  • Has demonstrated good ability to contribute to international research collaborations.
  • Has a very good knowledge of English in speech and writing and with good communication skills.

In the assessment, it is meritorious that the applicant:

  • Has experience in leadership tasks in undergraduate education.
  • Demonstrated ability to apply for and obtain external funding in areas relevant to the post.
  • Demonstrated ability to co-operate with research and teaching staff.
  • Experience in communicating science and the importance of research to society.

As much attention shall be given to the assessment of teaching expertise as to the assessment of research expertise.

When making the appointment, consideration will be given to the Lund University Appointment Rules.

It is expected that any non-Swedish speaking appointee within a three-year period will master the Swedish language well enough to be able to teach and to communicate with the university administration in Swedish.

Design and content of the application
We would recommend you write your application in English, since it will be assessed by international experts. The application should be formulated according to the Faculty of Science’s application applications for teaching position. Upload the application as PDF-files in the recruitment system.

Type of employment Permanent position
Contract type Full time
First day of employment Fall 2024
Salary Monthly
Number of positions 1
Full-time equivalent 100
City Lund
County Skåne län
Country Sweden
Reference number PA2024/1715
  • Leif Lönnblad, Professor, +46462227780,
  • Helen Johansson, Recruitment coordinator, +46462223609,
Union representative
  • OFR/ST:Fackförbundet ST:s kansli, +46462229362
  • SACO:Saco-s-rådet vid Lunds universitet,
  • SEKO: Seko Civil, +46462229366
Published 22.Jul.2024
Last application date 19.Aug.2024 11:59 PM CEST

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