Forskningsingenjör Energivetenskaper
Lund |
22.Dec.2024 |
Doctoral student in History of Religions specialising in Islamic Studies within the research programme The Middle East in the Contemporary World (MECW)
Lund |
22.Dec.2024 |
Project assistant within experimental pathology
Malmö |
23.Dec.2024 |
Researcher in Environmental Psychology
Lund |
23.Dec.2024 |
Lund |
23.Dec.2024 |
Forskningsingenjör i kemisk biologi
Lund |
26.Dec.2024 |
Amanuenser som SI-ledare vid Statsvetenskapliga institutionen
Lund |
26.Dec.2024 |
Universitetslektor till kulturgeografi och ekonomisk geografi, 18%
Lund |
26.Dec.2024 |
Amanuenser vid Avdeningen för byggnadsmaterial
Lund |
26.Dec.2024 |
Lund |
26.Dec.2024 |
Senior Lecturer in Statistics, substitute
Lund |
27.Dec.2024 |
Laboratorietekniker vid enheten för Klinisk mikrobiologi
Malmö |
27.Dec.2024 |
Researcher in Economic History, 20%, 12 month
Lund |
27.Dec.2024 |
Vikarierande kommunikatör vid naturvetenskapliga fakultetens kansli
Lund |
27.Dec.2024 |
Projektassistent vid Kemiska institutionen
Lund |
27.Dec.2024 |
Researcher in Automatic Control with focus on nonlinear control, contraction theory and optimal transport
Lund |
30.Dec.2024 |
Universitetsadjunkt i medie- och kommunikationsvetenskap
Lund |
30.Dec.2024 |
Universitetslektor i medie- och kommunikationsvetenskap
Lund |
30.Dec.2024 |
Laboratorieassistent vid avdelningen för molekylär skelettbiologi
Lund |
31.Dec.2024 |
Laboratorieassistent inom proteomisk hematologi
Lund |
31.Dec.2024 |
Lund |
31.Dec.2024 |
Postdoctoral researcher in Protein bioinformatics
Lund |
31.Dec.2024 |
Amanuens vid Institutionen för bygg- och miljöteknologi
Lund |
01.Jan.2025 |
Utbildningsadministratör vid BMC
Lund |
01.Jan.2025 |
Postdoctoral fellow in Physics within THz-electron spin resonance-ellipsometry
Lund |
02.Jan.2025 |
Lektor i förlags- och bokmarknadskunskap, vikariat 65 %
Lund |
02.Jan.2025 |
Doctoral student in physics within the discipline of optical sensors based on nanotechnology
Lund |
02.Jan.2025 |
Doctoral student in physics with focus on theoretical attosecond physics
Lund |
02.Jan.2025 |
Projektassistent i Biokemi
Lund |
02.Jan.2025 |
Vikarierande universitetslektor i numerisk analys
Lund |
02.Jan.2025 |
Researcher in Microbial ecology
Lund |
02.Jan.2025 |
Researcher in Geomagnetism/Paleomagnetism
Lund |
02.Jan.2025 |
Vikariat som HR-partner vid sektionen HR, Lunds universitet
Lund |
03.Jan.2025 |
Språkkonsult till enheten för undervisningsstöd
Lund |
03.Jan.2025 |
Studentmedarbetare vid Matematikcentrum avd. Matematik NF
Lund |
03.Jan.2025 |
Biträdande forskare vid avdelningen Tumörmikromiljö
Lund |
03.Jan.2025 |
KOPIA AV Research engineer in neuroscience
Lund |
03.Jan.2025 |
IT security engineer
Lund |
05.Jan.2025 |
Senior Innovationsutvecklare Teknik
Lund |
06.Jan.2025 |
PostDoc at FinEstBeAMS (3-year position)
Lund |
06.Jan.2025 |
Software Beamline Contact
Lund |
06.Jan.2025 |
Säkerhetschef vid Lunds universitet
Lund |
06.Jan.2025 |
Studentmedarbetare - Museivärd, 10-20%, 5-7 tjänster
Lund |
06.Jan.2025 |
Museivärd 40% Skissernas Museum
Lund |
06.Jan.2025 |
1-2 Museivärdar 15% Skissernas museum
Lund |
06.Jan.2025 |
Amanuenser vid Avdeningen för byggnadsmaterial
Lund |
06.Jan.2025 |
Lund |
06.Jan.2025 |
Post-doctoral fellow in Food System Science and Food Systems Transformations
Lund |
06.Jan.2025 |
Project assistant to the project "fair gold"
Lund |
06.Jan.2025 |
Administrativt ledningsstöd vid Geologiska Institutionen
Lund |
06.Jan.2025 |
Student worker, visitor guide at MAX IV
Lund |
06.Jan.2025 |
Kommunikatör, visstid
Lund |
06.Jan.2025 |
Universitetsadjunkter i aeronautiska vetenskaper
Ljungbyhed |
07.Jan.2025 |
Doctoral student in Electrical Engineering focusing on Machine Learning
Lund |
07.Jan.2025 |
Postdoc in Biblical Reception with a specialisation in Religion and Law
Lund |
07.Jan.2025 |
Research Engineer at the Centre for Environmental and Climate Science
Björklinge |
07.Jan.2025 |
Kvalitetssamordnare vid LTH:s kansli
Lund |
07.Jan.2025 |
Amanuenser vid X-Lab, LTH
Lund |
07.Jan.2025 |
Doctoral student in Computational Fluid Dynamics for biomass conversion
Lund |
07.Jan.2025 |
Doctoral student in Water Resources Engineering focusing on aquatic ecology and biodiversity
Lund |
07.Jan.2025 |
Post doctor
Lund |
07.Jan.2025 |
Amanuens vid Statistiska institutionen
Lund |
07.Jan.2025 |
Doctoral Student in Sustainable Aviation Fuel
Ljungbyhed |
08.Jan.2025 |
Lund |
08.Jan.2025 |
Professor i civilrätt, mot förmögenhetsrätt eller associationsrätt
Lund |
08.Jan.2025 |
Assistant Professor in Foundations of Computer Science with a Focus on Logic and Automated Reasoning
Lund |
08.Jan.2025 |
Beamline Scientist, MicroMAX (15 months)
Lund |
08.Jan.2025 |
PhD in Medical Science
Malmö |
08.Jan.2025 |
Amanuens för arbete med alumnprojekt i mänskliga rättigheter
Lund |
08.Jan.2025 |
Tidsbegränsat vikariat som ekonomiadministratör
Lund |
08.Jan.2025 |
Två enhetschefer till avdelningen för Studentservice vid LTH kansli
Lund |
08.Jan.2025 |
Teaching assistants at the Department of Automatic Control
Lund |
08.Jan.2025 |
Universitetslektor i svenska som andraspråk
Lund |
09.Jan.2025 |
Marie Curie - PhD student to research group Experimental Oncology
Lund |
09.Jan.2025 |
HR -partner till Juridiska fakultetens kansli, Lunds universitet
Lund |
09.Jan.2025 |
Projektassistent engelska (externt projekt)
Lund |
09.Jan.2025 |
Post-doctoral fellow in Experimental Particle Physics on the Light Dark Matter eXperiment (LDMX)
Lund |
10.Jan.2025 |
HR-administratör till HR-avdelningen LTH (visstid 1 år)
Lund |
10.Jan.2025 |
Post-doctoral position in Combustion Physics and Chemistry
Lund |
12.Jan.2025 |
Doctoral student in Energy Sciences with a focus on hydrogen combustion engines
Lund |
12.Jan.2025 |
Fotograf, Särskild visstidsanställning 1 år
Lund |
12.Jan.2025 |
Engineering Manager
Lund |
12.Jan.2025 |
Utställningsproducent till Historiska museet
Lund |
12.Jan.2025 |
Administrativ chef vid Teaterhögskolan i Malmö
Malmö |
12.Jan.2025 |
Webbredaktör, huvudredaktör forskning
Lund |
12.Jan.2025 |
Lund |
12.Jan.2025 |
Postdoctoral position in pharmaceutical technology, miniaturised spray-drying of pharmaceutical proteins
Lund |
12.Jan.2025 |
Kommunikationsansvarig för K2
Lund |
12.Jan.2025 |
Doctoral student in Biomedical Engineering with a focus on mechanobiological modeling of tendon tissues
Lund |
13.Jan.2025 |
Postdoctoral position in Electrical Engineering focusing on Nanomaterials for AI
Lund |
14.Jan.2025 |
Postdoctoral fellow in volcanic impact on the stratosphere and climate
Lund |
14.Jan.2025 |
Professor in Financial Economics
Lund |
15.Jan.2025 |
Doctoral student in Astronomy and Astrophysics with focus on Exoplanet atmospheres
Lund |
15.Jan.2025 |
Doctoral student in Medical Radiation Physics
Lund |
15.Jan.2025 |
Forskningsingenjör i klinisk genetik
Lund |
15.Jan.2025 |
Researcher in Optical Diagnostics on Aluminum Combustion
Lund |
15.Jan.2025 |
Universitetsadjunkt i produktionsekonomi
Lund |
15.Jan.2025 |
Professor in Artistic didactics
Lund |
17.Jan.2025 |
Doktoral student in astronomy
Lund |
17.Jan.2025 |
Doctoral student in theoretical computer science and/or combinatorial optimization
Lund |
17.Jan.2025 |
Post-doctoral fellow in Physical Chemistry
Lund |
17.Jan.2025 |
Post-doctoral fellow in Physical Chemistry
Lund |
17.Jan.2025 |
Kanslichef till LTH:s kansli
Lund |
17.Jan.2025 |
Doctoral student focussed on methane fluxes from forests and their impact on the global atmosphere
Lund |
17.Jan.2025 |
Research Engineer Beamline Office
Lund |
19.Jan.2025 |
PostDoc Bloch
Lund |
19.Jan.2025 |
Lokalsamordnare till avdelningen för Fastighet och IT på LTH:s kansli
Lund |
19.Jan.2025 |
Postdoctoral position in Electrical Engineering focusing on 6G-communication systems
Lund |
20.Jan.2025 |
Doctoral student in Electrical Engineering focusing on mobile VR/AR-systems
Lund |
20.Jan.2025 |
Doctoral student in European Studies
Lund |
20.Jan.2025 |
Projektledare bygg Science Village LTH
Lund |
20.Jan.2025 |
Doctoral student in Aerosol Technology with Focus on airborne emissions from recycled materials for construction
Lund |
21.Jan.2025 |
Software Developer for MX beamlines
Lund |
26.Jan.2025 |
Doctoral student in History, within the National Graduate School in Historical Studies
Lund |
26.Jan.2025 |
Doctoral student in History, within the research project "In the shadow of genocide: memory and experience of the Holocaust and antisemitism"
Lund |
26.Jan.2025 |
PostDoc with RIANA project, CoSAXS (3 yrs)
Lund |
26.Jan.2025 |
Malmö |
28.Jan.2025 |
Postdoctoral position in Biomedical Engineering with a focus on numerical modelling of ultrasound-based 3D printing for tissue engineering
Lund |
29.Jan.2025 |
Doctoral student in Biology
Lund |
29.Jan.2025 |
Doctoral student in Industrial Engineering and Management
Lund |
30.Jan.2025 |
Professor and Director to Lund Social Sciences Methods Centre
Lund |
31.Jan.2025 |
Doctoral students at the Department of Economics
Lund |
31.Jan.2025 |
Post-doctoral position in Combustion Physics and Chemistry
Lund |
31.Jan.2025 |
Postdoctor in private international law with focus on maritime and EU law
Lund |
31.Jan.2025 |
Lund |
31.Jan.2025 |
Professor of surgery combined with a position as specialist physician/consultant
Lund |
01.Feb.2025 |
2-5 PhD-candidate positions in Social Work
Lund |
06.Feb.2025 |
Associate Senior Lecturer (WCMM Fellow) in Molecular Medicine with a focus on translational research in advanced therapies
Lund |
10.Feb.2025 |
Associate Senior Lecturer (WCMM Fellow) in Molecular Medicine with a focus on basic research into regenerative medicine and disease mechanisms
Lund |
10.Feb.2025 |
Assistant Professor in Structural Engineering focused on timber and bio-based construction
Lund |
13.Feb.2025 |
Senior Lecturer in Clinical Medicine combined with employment as specialist physician/consultant, based in Helsingborg
Lund |
15.Feb.2025 |
Doctoral students in fire safety with focus on battery safety
Lund |
16.Feb.2025 |
Professor of Geriatrics, combined with employment as specialist physician/consultant
Malmö |
19.Feb.2025 |
Postdoctoral fellowship: Transthyretin amyloidosis using X-rays, neutrons, and EM
Lund |
24.Feb.2025 |
Post doc
Lund |
24.Feb.2025 |
Postdoc in Computational Chemistry: Scattering in Crowded Biomolecular Solutions
Lund |
24.Feb.2025 |
Postdoctoral fellowship AMBER-project
Lund |
24.Feb.2025 |
Post-doc Multmodal imaging of human atherosclerotic plaques
Malmö |
24.Feb.2025 |
Postdoctoral fellowship: Aquaporins in health and pathology
Lund |
24.Feb.2025 |
Postdoctoral researcher in phage-bacteria interactions
Lund |
24.Feb.2025 |