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Forskningsingenjör Energivetenskaper Lund 22.Dec.2024
Doctoral student in History of Religions specialising in Islamic Studies within the research programme The Middle East in the Contemporary World (MECW) Lund 22.Dec.2024
Project assistant within experimental pathology Malmö 23.Dec.2024
Researcher in Environmental Psychology Lund 23.Dec.2024
Projektadministratör Lund 23.Dec.2024
Forskningsingenjör i kemisk biologi Lund 26.Dec.2024
Amanuenser som SI-ledare vid Statsvetenskapliga institutionen Lund 26.Dec.2024
Universitetslektor till kulturgeografi och ekonomisk geografi, 18% Lund 26.Dec.2024
Amanuenser vid Avdeningen för byggnadsmaterial Lund 26.Dec.2024
Projektassistenter Lund 26.Dec.2024
Senior Lecturer in Statistics, substitute Lund 27.Dec.2024
Laboratorietekniker vid enheten för Klinisk mikrobiologi Malmö 27.Dec.2024
Researcher in Economic History, 20%, 12 month Lund 27.Dec.2024
Vikarierande kommunikatör vid naturvetenskapliga fakultetens kansli Lund 27.Dec.2024
Projektassistent vid Kemiska institutionen Lund 27.Dec.2024
Researcher in Automatic Control with focus on nonlinear control, contraction theory and optimal transport Lund 30.Dec.2024
Universitetsadjunkt i medie- och kommunikationsvetenskap Lund 30.Dec.2024
Universitetslektor i medie- och kommunikationsvetenskap Lund 30.Dec.2024
Laboratorieassistent vid avdelningen för molekylär skelettbiologi Lund 31.Dec.2024
Laboratorieassistent inom proteomisk hematologi Lund 31.Dec.2024
Projektassistent Lund 31.Dec.2024
Postdoctoral researcher in Protein bioinformatics Lund 31.Dec.2024
Amanuens vid Institutionen för bygg- och miljöteknologi Lund 01.Jan.2025
Utbildningsadministratör vid BMC Lund 01.Jan.2025
Postdoctoral fellow in Physics within THz-electron spin resonance-ellipsometry Lund 02.Jan.2025
Lektor i förlags- och bokmarknadskunskap, vikariat 65 % Lund 02.Jan.2025
Doctoral student in physics within the discipline of optical sensors based on nanotechnology Lund 02.Jan.2025
Doctoral student in physics with focus on theoretical attosecond physics Lund 02.Jan.2025
Projektassistent i Biokemi Lund 02.Jan.2025
Vikarierande universitetslektor i numerisk analys Lund 02.Jan.2025
Researcher in Microbial ecology Lund 02.Jan.2025
Researcher in Geomagnetism/Paleomagnetism Lund 02.Jan.2025
Vikariat som HR-partner vid sektionen HR, Lunds universitet Lund 03.Jan.2025
Språkkonsult till enheten för undervisningsstöd Lund 03.Jan.2025
Studentmedarbetare vid Matematikcentrum avd. Matematik NF Lund 03.Jan.2025
Biträdande forskare vid avdelningen Tumörmikromiljö Lund 03.Jan.2025
KOPIA AV Research engineer in neuroscience Lund 03.Jan.2025
IT security engineer Lund 05.Jan.2025
Senior Innovationsutvecklare Teknik Lund 06.Jan.2025
PostDoc at FinEstBeAMS (3-year position) Lund 06.Jan.2025
Software Beamline Contact Lund 06.Jan.2025
Säkerhetschef vid Lunds universitet Lund 06.Jan.2025
Studentmedarbetare - Museivärd, 10-20%, 5-7 tjänster Lund 06.Jan.2025
Museivärd 40% Skissernas Museum Lund 06.Jan.2025
1-2 Museivärdar 15% Skissernas museum Lund 06.Jan.2025
Amanuenser vid Avdeningen för byggnadsmaterial Lund 06.Jan.2025
Utbildningsadministratör Lund 06.Jan.2025
Post-doctoral fellow in Food System Science and Food Systems Transformations Lund 06.Jan.2025
Project assistant to the project "fair gold" Lund 06.Jan.2025
Administrativt ledningsstöd vid Geologiska Institutionen Lund 06.Jan.2025
Student worker, visitor guide at MAX IV Lund 06.Jan.2025
Kommunikatör, visstid Lund 06.Jan.2025
Universitetsadjunkter i aeronautiska vetenskaper Ljungbyhed 07.Jan.2025
Doctoral student in Electrical Engineering focusing on Machine Learning Lund 07.Jan.2025
Postdoc in Biblical Reception with a specialisation in Religion and Law Lund 07.Jan.2025
Research Engineer at the Centre for Environmental and Climate Science Björklinge 07.Jan.2025
Kvalitetssamordnare vid LTH:s kansli Lund 07.Jan.2025
Amanuenser vid X-Lab, LTH Lund 07.Jan.2025
Doctoral student in Computational Fluid Dynamics for biomass conversion Lund 07.Jan.2025
Doctoral student in Water Resources Engineering focusing on aquatic ecology and biodiversity Lund 07.Jan.2025
Post doctor Lund 07.Jan.2025
Amanuens vid Statistiska institutionen Lund 07.Jan.2025
Doctoral Student in Sustainable Aviation Fuel Ljungbyhed 08.Jan.2025
Doktorand Lund 08.Jan.2025
Professor i civilrätt, mot förmögenhetsrätt eller associationsrätt Lund 08.Jan.2025
Assistant Professor in Foundations of Computer Science with a Focus on Logic and Automated Reasoning Lund 08.Jan.2025
Beamline Scientist, MicroMAX (15 months) Lund 08.Jan.2025
PhD in Medical Science Malmö 08.Jan.2025
Amanuens för arbete med alumnprojekt i mänskliga rättigheter Lund 08.Jan.2025
Tidsbegränsat vikariat som ekonomiadministratör Lund 08.Jan.2025
Två enhetschefer till avdelningen för Studentservice vid LTH kansli Lund 08.Jan.2025
Teaching assistants at the Department of Automatic Control Lund 08.Jan.2025
Universitetslektor i svenska som andraspråk Lund 09.Jan.2025
Marie Curie - PhD student to research group Experimental Oncology Lund 09.Jan.2025
HR -partner till Juridiska fakultetens kansli, Lunds universitet Lund 09.Jan.2025
Projektassistent engelska (externt projekt) Lund 09.Jan.2025
Post-doctoral fellow in Experimental Particle Physics on the Light Dark Matter eXperiment (LDMX) Lund 10.Jan.2025
HR-administratör till HR-avdelningen LTH (visstid 1 år) Lund 10.Jan.2025
Post-doctoral position in Combustion Physics and Chemistry Lund 12.Jan.2025
Doctoral student in Energy Sciences with a focus on hydrogen combustion engines Lund 12.Jan.2025
Fotograf, Särskild visstidsanställning 1 år Lund 12.Jan.2025
Engineering Manager Lund 12.Jan.2025
Utställningsproducent till Historiska museet Lund 12.Jan.2025
Administrativ chef vid Teaterhögskolan i Malmö Malmö 12.Jan.2025
Webbredaktör, huvudredaktör forskning Lund 12.Jan.2025
Webbredaktör Lund 12.Jan.2025
Postdoctoral position in pharmaceutical technology, miniaturised spray-drying of pharmaceutical proteins Lund 12.Jan.2025
Kommunikationsansvarig för K2 Lund 12.Jan.2025
Doctoral student in Biomedical Engineering with a focus on mechanobiological modeling of tendon tissues Lund 13.Jan.2025
Postdoctoral position in Electrical Engineering focusing on Nanomaterials for AI Lund 14.Jan.2025
Postdoctoral fellow in volcanic impact on the stratosphere and climate Lund 14.Jan.2025
Professor in Financial Economics Lund 15.Jan.2025
Doctoral student in Astronomy and Astrophysics with focus on Exoplanet atmospheres Lund 15.Jan.2025
Doctoral student in Medical Radiation Physics Lund 15.Jan.2025
Forskningsingenjör i klinisk genetik Lund 15.Jan.2025
Researcher in Optical Diagnostics on Aluminum Combustion Lund 15.Jan.2025
Universitetsadjunkt i produktionsekonomi Lund 15.Jan.2025
Professor in Artistic didactics Lund 17.Jan.2025
Doktoral student in astronomy Lund 17.Jan.2025
Doctoral student in theoretical computer science and/or combinatorial optimization Lund 17.Jan.2025
Post-doctoral fellow in Physical Chemistry Lund 17.Jan.2025
Post-doctoral fellow in Physical Chemistry Lund 17.Jan.2025
Kanslichef till LTH:s kansli Lund 17.Jan.2025
Doctoral student focussed on methane fluxes from forests and their impact on the global atmosphere Lund 17.Jan.2025
Research Engineer Beamline Office Lund 19.Jan.2025
PostDoc Bloch Lund 19.Jan.2025
Lokalsamordnare till avdelningen för Fastighet och IT på LTH:s kansli Lund 19.Jan.2025
Postdoctoral position in Electrical Engineering focusing on 6G-communication systems Lund 20.Jan.2025
Doctoral student in Electrical Engineering focusing on mobile VR/AR-systems Lund 20.Jan.2025
Doctoral student in European Studies Lund 20.Jan.2025
Projektledare bygg Science Village LTH Lund 20.Jan.2025
Doctoral student in Aerosol Technology with Focus on airborne emissions from recycled materials for construction Lund 21.Jan.2025
Software Developer for MX beamlines Lund 26.Jan.2025
Doctoral student in History, within the National Graduate School in Historical Studies Lund 26.Jan.2025
Doctoral student in History, within the research project "In the shadow of genocide: memory and experience of the Holocaust and antisemitism" Lund 26.Jan.2025
PostDoc with RIANA project, CoSAXS (3 yrs) Lund 26.Jan.2025
Postdoc Malmö 28.Jan.2025
Postdoctoral position in Biomedical Engineering with a focus on numerical modelling of ultrasound-based 3D printing for tissue engineering Lund 29.Jan.2025
Doctoral student in Biology Lund 29.Jan.2025
Doctoral student in Industrial Engineering and Management Lund 30.Jan.2025
Professor and Director to Lund Social Sciences Methods Centre Lund 31.Jan.2025
Doctoral students at the Department of Economics Lund 31.Jan.2025
Post-doctoral position in Combustion Physics and Chemistry Lund 31.Jan.2025
Postdoctor in private international law with focus on maritime and EU law Lund 31.Jan.2025
HMS chef MAX IV Lund 31.Jan.2025
Professor of surgery combined with a position as specialist physician/consultant Lund 01.Feb.2025
2-5 PhD-candidate positions in Social Work Lund 06.Feb.2025
Associate Senior Lecturer (WCMM Fellow) in Molecular Medicine with a focus on translational research in advanced therapies Lund 10.Feb.2025
Associate Senior Lecturer (WCMM Fellow) in Molecular Medicine with a focus on basic research into regenerative medicine and disease mechanisms Lund 10.Feb.2025
Assistant Professor in Structural Engineering focused on timber and bio-based construction Lund 13.Feb.2025
Senior Lecturer in Clinical Medicine combined with employment as specialist physician/consultant, based in Helsingborg Lund 15.Feb.2025
Doctoral students in fire safety with focus on battery safety Lund 16.Feb.2025
Professor of Geriatrics, combined with employment as specialist physician/consultant Malmö 19.Feb.2025
Postdoctoral fellowship: Transthyretin amyloidosis using X-rays, neutrons, and EM Lund 24.Feb.2025
Post doc Lund 24.Feb.2025
Postdoc in Computational Chemistry: Scattering in Crowded Biomolecular Solutions Lund 24.Feb.2025
Postdoctoral fellowship AMBER-project Lund 24.Feb.2025
Post-doc Multmodal imaging of human atherosclerotic plaques Malmö 24.Feb.2025
Postdoctoral fellowship: Aquaporins in health and pathology Lund 24.Feb.2025
Postdoctoral researcher in phage-bacteria interactions Lund 24.Feb.2025
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